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Wichert Insurance Blog

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Insurance

How to Update your Home — Without Spending Thousands

It doesn’t take a massive remodel, or a big budget, to make your house feel a little more like home to you. Inside or out, small improvements can make a significant difference - and whether you’re handy or not, you can...

How to Update your Home — Without Spending Thousands

It doesn’t take a massive remodel, or a big budget, to make your house feel a little more like home to you. Inside or out, small improvements can make a significant difference - and whether you’re handy or not, you can...

Keeping Your Commercial Auto Rates Down

It has been a challenging year, and despite many insurance companies giving “premium holidays” due to the lack of use, the insurance companies continue to lose money. It has been a tough few years for commercial auto...

Three Month Waiver for Pre-Employment Testing Requirements on Commercial Drivers

Just a few weeks ago, there were changes from the FMCSA due to COVID-19. The FMCSA has granted a three-month waiver from certain pre-employment testing requirements applicable to employers of drivers subject to 49 CFR...

New Employer Rules and Regulations Resulting From COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically impacted our communities and businesses. As we reopen our companies, it is crucial to know and understand the new rules and regulations affecting your organization as a result of...

Latest information on the USDA Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP)

Last Thursday the USDA released information regarding the issuance of the first Coronavirus Food Assistance Program payments. This federal program assists farmers and ranchers whose operations have been directly...

I Just Bought a New Car. What Insurance Coverage Do I Need?

Congratulations! After weeks of research, comparing makes and models, and taking test drives you finally bought that brand-new car you wanted. But before you take that well-deserved road trip, check one more item off...

OSHA Interim Enforcement Response Plan for COVID -19

We find ourselves in unprecedented times and where safety is imperative for everyone within their scope of work and the changes in the work environment. OSHA has released an interim enforcement plan to provide...

Keep Your Pets Safe in a Disaster

A safe home, a regular routine, a soft bed – the things that bring you comfort bring your pet comfort, too. It’s so important to give some advance thought to how you’d handle your pet responsibilities during and after a...

Move Over Law

In Ohio the State law requires drivers approaching a stationary emergency vehicle displaying flashing lights, including road service vehicles, traveling in the same direction, to vacate the lane closest to if safe and...