The geckos and emus are spending billions of dollars in ad campaigns to sell you their insurance they can bundle, box up, and bill you for in fifteen minutes or less.
These campaigns are compelling and entertaining, but the reality is that insurance coverage shouldn’t be as simple as your Friday night pizza order.
Through flashy and funny mascots, corporate insurance providers have convinced Americans that they can buy coverage that will protect them the same way they buy flour at the grocery store. It’s all the same, right?
Insurance Is NOT a Commodity
You know this better than anyone: Your needs and priorities are not the same as your next door neighbor’s. You have different vehicles, a different family situation, a different house, and a different lifestyle than Tom Next Door.
But when Tom Next Door calls the emu, he’s going to be sold the exact same insurance plan that you’ll be sold.
Corporate insurance providers have turned insurance into a commodity. The people who pay for it are the people they insure at cheap rates that don’t actually meet their needs.
How else do they afford billions of dollars in ad campaigns?
Insurance is complex. It helps consumers protect themselves from situations that could cause them financial ruin. Instead of educating people about the complexities of insurance, corporate insurance companies have gotten into the business of entertainment and convenience… at the expense of quality insurance coverage.
Should You Really Sign a Contract in 15 Minutes or Less?
In today’s world, convenience is king. Why call to order a pizza if you can place your order online?
The same principle has been applied to insurance, an extremely complex contract with legal consequences and lengthy financial commitments.
Insurance was never meant to be fun and convenient; it’s meant to protect your family and restore your lives after catastrophic events.
It isn’t enough to just have insurance; you need the right insurance. You need insurance that will actually protect you, not just make you feel good. Feel-good insurance ultimately fails when crises hit.
Local, Independent Agents Have Your Best Interests—Not Corporate’s—at Heart
The emus and geckos are brand-loyal. When you call an emu, you get emu insurance. That’s it. It doesn’t matter if that plan isn’t quite right for your needs, they’ll make it work so they can collect your money. Congratulations, you’re insured!
The great value of an independent agent is that they are just that—independent.
Because they aren’t employed by the insurance companies, they can survey and select the best policies at the best rates that are best for you, not for the corporation that is selling you the insurance. Unlike the cartoon characters, independent agents represent multiple insurance companies and can find you the best coverage at the best price.
Independent Agents Provide Unbiased Advice
Independent agents return the business of insurance to what it’s meant to do: take care of people, not tend to the growth of the bottom line.
From their position separate from the insurance companies themselves, they are able to offer you unbiased advice for every vehicle, home, boat, bike, and life that needs to be insured, based on your particular needs and desires.
Wichert Insurance is a community based agency with local, independent agents serving their own neighbors, helping their clients access the best value and coverage for their needs. We are your advocate, from selecting the right insurance to preparing and processing claims when losses occur.
We help our clients make sense of insurance and make the best choices for their lives, so they can rest assured they are protected, not just carriers of an entertaining, but useless, policy.