We know just how convenient it can be to open a new search window, type “insurance” in the search bar, and click on the highest listing for an insurance giant (or emu or gecko) in your area. So, why do we continue to believe that the local insurance agency is your best bet to meet your insurance needs?
Well, to put it frankly, it’s personal.
Geckos Don’t Live in Your Neighborhood
When the time comes to add, remove, or reconfigure your insurance, it helps to have a real person you can meet with to discuss your evolving needs. Local insurance agencies like Wichert are in your community, shopping at your grocery stores and eating at your favorite restaurants. They are the people you meet each day, and when you need them to help you process a claim, they are the people you can meet with in person, in a face-to-face way.
Emus Can’t Build Relationships
Because your local agent can help you in person, in your community, they’re also invested in knowing who you are and what you care about. Your relationship is based on mutual trust and rapport, not the transaction ID or claim number (although they can certainly help you out with those, too). When you need to adjust your policy, you can call or text Joe or Jane.
You can’t call or text an emu.
Geckos and Emus Aren’t Native to This Region
The community you live in is someplace special, not just another territory an insurance agent has to cover. Local agents understand the people and the places from which you originated. They get the vernacular, the humor, the street references, the mascots, and the local landmarks… not because it was part of their research project to prepare to serve the needs of your community, but because they’re from here. They live here. They love to serve the people here.
Geckos Are Sticky, and Emus Aren’t Flexible
Maybe one of the most important advantages of working with a local insurance agent is just how customizable we can be to accommodate your insurance needs. We’re able to sit down together, listen to your unique needs, and create a plan that is flexible. And if your circumstances change tomorrow, you’re never stuck with what you signed up for—all you need to do is reach out to your local agent, and they’ll be ready to help you make the change you need swiftly and with your best interests at heart.
You see, when it comes to insurance, it really is personal for us. When you’re ready for the personal touch that local insurance agents can provide, turn to the team at Wichert Insurance. With a comprehensive list of high-quality insurance companies and local agents serving eight different local communities, we take pride in our ability to serve our neighbors’ every insurance need. Connect with your local Wichert Insurance Agent office today.