This certainly isn’t how you planned to spend your day. No one wants to find themselves in any kind of car accident. When a fender bender happens, our nervous systems kick into overdrive. It’s best to know in advance the steps you need to take in the event of an accident so that everything can go as smoothly as possible.
Steps to Take at the Scene of an Accident
Stop immediately but do not obstruct traffic. The first thing you need to do in the event of an accident is to make sure you’re safe. If you’re able to move your vehicle, pull over to the side of the road.
Check on the people in your vehicle and others. Assisted anyone who is injured. Have someone call 911.
Secure names, phone numbers, addresses of other drivers, witnesses, and injured persons.
Secure make, model, and license numbers of all vehicles involved.
Take photos of all vehicles involved and of the accident scene.
Do not accept claim settlements at the scene of an accident.
Remain calm, courteous, and consistent in your version of the accident.
Notify your insurance agent as soon as possible.
Do I Have to Contact the Police?
Even if the accident is a minor fender bender, you should contact the police. They will issue an accident report and notify the nearest medical unit if needed.
What If I Didn’t Get The Other People’s Information?
It sometimes happens in a minor accident or in the aftermath of adrenaline that loose ends are missed. That’s okay—you can still make sure you’re covered.
Write down everything you can remember about the other person’s car and the accident, and report the fender bender to your insurance agent.
If the other driver flat out refuses to provide you with their information, wait for the police to arrive. Emotions run high in moments like these, and it’s best not to press the issue. The authorities can take down everyone’s information in their report so that you don’t have to.
What If They Didn’t Want to Call the Police?
There are sometimes reasons people are reluctant to get the police involved, but you should call no matter what.
Even if the accident was minor, you will want to connect with the nearest police station to file an incident report, which will come in handy if you need to file a claim for damages to your vehicle, or if the other driver decides to sue for damages or personal injury.
It’s always better to have more than enough information than not enough, just to be safe.
What If I Don’t Have My Insurance Card?
If you can’t find your insurance card at the scene of an accident, don’t fret. You will be able to show proof of insurance within a certain period of time to prove you are covered. Provide the other driver with your contact information and the name of your insurance company to get things started, and get their information as well, so that you can share the details of your insurance policy with them if needed.
If I’m in an Accident, When Should I Contact My Insurance Agent?
Call your insurance agent as soon as possible… even from the scene of the accident if you’re able. At the moment, you might feel confused and uncertain about what should be done next, even if it’s a minor fender bender.
Your Wichert insurance agent can walk you through the appropriate next steps, remind you what you need to do to document what happened, and help you contact the appropriate authorities. Don’t stress—everyone gets flustered at the scene of an accident. Having a personal insurance agent, like you have at Wichert, means our best interest lies with your best interest. We’re here to help you through it.
What to Do After a Fender Bender
If the repairs to your vehicle are going to exceed $2,000 or if someone is injured, you will most likely want to file an insurance claim. Use the information you collected at the scene of the accident as well as the incident report generated by the police to help you support your claim.