If you started your business from a room in your basement, you probably have taken a lot of care and time to make sure that your business assets are separate from your personal assets. As you’ve added new assets to your personal life and your business, you’ve probably also added additional insurance coverage, and potentially additional insurance agents.
Bundling your insurance plans can make a significant difference for you and your business. Here’s how.
Bundling Can Save You Money
Bundling insurance simply means that instead of having a different insurance company for every insurance plan you need, one insurance company takes care of multiple insurance needs for you. Suppose your personal insurance—including home, auto, and life—and commercial insurance are all managed by different insurance providers. In that case, you could be missing out on significant savings by having all of your insurance needs met under one roof. By having all of your insurance needs with one insurance provider, you can receive discounts for bundling, lower rates, and your insurer has a more comprehensive understanding of your needs.
Bundling Can Save You Time
It can get tricky and overwhelming trying to keep track of all of your different insurance plans when they are with multiple providers. If you need to make a change or have questions about your liability, bundling ensures that your agent knows exactly what coverage you have at home and at work, so they can give you the best advice to make sure your assets are properly protected.
Bundling Makes Submitting a Claim Simpler
If your home is covered by one insurance company and your car is covered by someone else, the two companies don’t have a way to know the details of your coverage. Separate insurance companies can dispute which policy should cover a specific claim. Bundling your insurance coverage with a single company eliminates this issue. So when your teenager drives your car through the front door of your house, you don’t have to deal with two different insurance companies fighting over which is going to pay which portion of the damages. If you’re interested in how you can save time, money, and energy by bundling your business and personal insurance, Wichert Insurance’s local independent insurance agents can help. Call to talk to one of our friendly agents today.